Dr. 艾米Hurley-Hanson

Dr. 艾米Hurley-Hanson

The George L. 阿吉罗斯经济与商业学院
Expertise: 极端的领导; Executive Succession; Image Norms; Autism in the Worklplace; Strategic Crisis Preparation;
Office Location: 贝克曼大厅307J
Phone: (714) 628-7312
Scholarly Works:
Digital Commons
New York Institute of Technology, Master of Business Admin.


管理学副教授. Dr. Hurley-Hanson received her doctorate in management from the Stern School of Business at New York University. Dr. Hurley-Hanson's principal areas of research are executive succession and the application of behavioral decision theory to strategic aspects of career mobility.



3. Hurley-Hanson,.E.詹南安东尼奥,C.M., & Griffiths, A.J. (2023). Autism Spectrum Disorder and Generation A: A Forgotten Minority in the Workplace. In Stone, D. L., Murray, B., Lukaszewski, K. M., & Dulebohn, J. H.. (eds.)组织中被遗忘的少数群体:页. 39-72. 夏洛特,北卡罗来纳州:信息时代出版社.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C.M. 2020. Emerald Publishing Series Editor for Emerald Studies in Workplace Neurodiversity.
2. Griffiths, A.J.赫利-汉森,A.E.詹南安东尼奥,C.M., Hyde, K, & Linstead, E., Wiengard, R.,Brady, J. (2023). Enhancing Employment Outcomes for Autistic Youth: Using Machine Learning to Identify Strategies for Success. 职业康复杂志;pp. 153-168.
January 31, 2023. Learning the Unspoken Words, Interviewed for article in The Chronicle of Higher Education. http://www.chronicle.com/article/learning-the-unspoken-rules.
Giannantonio, C.M.赫利-汉森,A.E. (2022). Recruitment Strategies: Generating a Neurodiverse Workforce In S. Bruyere & A. Colella (eds.)《澳门威尼斯人app下载》,页. 60-97. SIOP组织前沿系列.
Giannantonio, C. M. & Hurley-Hanson,.E. (Eds.). (2022). A世代:工作场所自闭症研究, 祖母绿职场神经多样性研究系列. Emerald.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C. M. (Eds.). (2022). Generation A: International and Special Populations 工作场所的自闭症, 祖母绿职场神经多样性研究系列. Emerald.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C.M. 2021, 2022. Emerald Publishing Series Editor for Emerald Studies in Workplace Neurodiversity.
2022年9月11日,9/11研究播客. 感谢上帝赐予我们周一. A.E. Hurley-Hanson & C.M. GIannantonio.
Aug 29, 2022. Podcast on Autism and Employment with the Sikh Human Rights Group..A.E. 赫利-汉森和C.M. GIannantonio..
April 15, 2022. 采访埃隆·马斯克和阿斯伯格的Axios. http://www.axios.com/elon-musk-aspergers-syndrome-e337df90-5248-4cfb-821f-b8dca09d9101.html. with C.M. 扬安东尼奥和A.J. Griffiths.
March 10, 2022. 威尼斯人app极端领导力和沙克尔顿的电视采访. http://www.foxla.com/video/1044409 Giannantonio, C.M. 2021
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C.M. 2020. Emerald Publishing Series Editor for Emerald Studies in Workplace Neurodiversity.
Segrest, S.L.赫利-汉森,A.E, & Giannantonio, C.M. (2021). Refugees/Displaced People in the Workplace, Cadernos EBAPE.br. 216-221.
Hurley-Hanson,.E (2021). 工作场所的难民/流离失所者,Cadernos EBAPE.br. 216-221.with Sharon L. 塞格利斯特和克莉斯汀娜·詹南安东尼奥.
Hurley-Hanson,.E.詹南安东尼奥,C.M. & Griffiths, A.J. (2020). 工作场所的自闭症. 为A代创造积极成果. 帕尔格雷夫对工作场所耻辱的探索. 可汗、瑞士. 帕尔格雷夫麦克米伦.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C.M. 2020. Emerald Publishing Series Editor for Emerald Studies in Workplace Neurodiversity.
1. Hurley-Hanson,.E.詹南安东尼奥,C.M., & Griffiths, A.J. 2020. The Role of Image Norms on the Career Experiences of Generation A. 管理学报,28(1):56-66.
Griffiths, A.J.赫利-汉森,A.E.詹南安东尼奥,C.M., Hyde, K, & Linstead, E. (2020). Developing Employment Environments Where Individuals with ASD Thrive: Using Machine Learning to Explore Employer Policies and Practices. 脑科学,10 (9),632.
Giannantonio, C.M. & Hurley-Hanson,.E., 2020. 极端的领导. Manager Magazine. Bulgaria. pp 52-53.
Hurley-Hanson,.E.詹南安东尼奥,C.M., Griffiths, A.J., & Cardinal, D.E. (2019). A Look at 工作场所的自闭症 Today: Needs and Transitions. 管理学报,27(1):57- 66.
Giannantonio, C.M.赫利-汉森,A.E, Segrest, S.L., Peerrewe, P.L. & Ferris, G.R.(2019). 招聘人员友好度对求职者反应的影响 . 《威尼斯人app》已出版
Hyde, K., Griffiths, A.J.詹南安东尼奥,C.M., Hurley-Hanson. A.E., & Linstead, E. Predicting Employer Recruitment of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders with Decision Trees. International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications. 奥兰多,佛罗里达州2018年12月.
Hurley-Hanson,.E & Giannantonio, C.M. (2018). 验证ceo的形象规范. Global Business & 经济学文集.
Hurley-Hanson,.E & Giannantonio, C.M. LMX and Autism. In T.A. Scandura & E. Mourino, (eds.) Effective Working Relationships in Leading Diversity in the 21st Century. 2017年,北卡罗来纳州夏洛特:IAP
Griffiths, A.J.詹南安东尼奥,C.M.赫利-汉森,A.E. & Cardinal, D.N. (2016). 工作场所的自闭症: Assessing the Transition Needs of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 商业管理学报,22(1):5-22.
Giannantonio, C.M. & Hurley-Hanson,.E. (2016) Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Careers: American High-Tech Entrepreneurs. 商业管理学报,22(2):59-76.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C.M. (2015). An Empirical Test of a Model of High Tech Entrepreneurial Careers. Global Business & 经济学选集,2:1-15.
Giannantonio, C.M. & Hurley-Hanson,.E. 极端的领导: Lessons from Ernest Shackleton and the Endurance Expedition. In C.M. Giannantonio & A.E. Hurley-Hanson (eds.)、极端领导力. 2014, 3-14. 切尔滕纳姆,英国:爱德华·埃尔加.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C.M. 桑迪胡克小学枪击案. In C.M. Giannantonio & A.E. Hurley-Hanson (eds.),《澳门威尼斯人app下载》2014年第224-236期. 切尔滕纳姆,英国:爱德华·埃尔加.
Giannantonio, C. M. & Hurley-Hanson,.E. (Eds.). (2014) 极端的领导 Leaders, Teams and Situations Outside the Norm. 领导力研究的新视野. 切尔滕纳姆,英国:爱德华·埃尔加. Finalists for the Outstanding Leadership Book Award by the Department of Leadership Studies at the University of San Diego, 国际领导协会.
A New Entrepreneurial Career Model Based on the Life and Career Decisions of Steve Jobs, 西方决策科学学会年会, April 2014, with C.M. Giannantonio & R. Sudek.
Segrest, S.L., Andrews, M.C. & A.E. Hurley-Hanson. Voluntary Turnover Typology Utilizing the Dispositional Variables of Core Self-Evaluation and Negative Affectivity. 商业行为研究杂志. 8, 2014, 1-12.
Hurley-Hanson,.E.詹南安东尼奥,C.M. & Sudek, R. (2013). A Model of High-Tech Entrepreneurial Careers: The Life and Career of Steve Jobs, 商业领导杂志, 87-102.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C.M. Staying Hungry, Staying Foolish: Academic Reflections on the Life and Career of Steve Jobs. 商业与管理杂志. 19, 2013, 7-10.
Hurley-Hanson,.E.詹南安东尼奥,C.M., & Sudek, R.A. High Tech Entrepreneurial Careers: A Model of Stages, Phases, and Ages. 商业与管理杂志. 19, 2013, 11-24.
The Role of Image Norms in Person-Job Fit: The Applicant’s Perspective, 西方决策科学学会年会, HI, April 2012, with C.M. Giannantonio.
Steve Jobs: Stages and Phases of his Entrepreneurial Career Model, Applied Business and Entrepreneurship Association International, HI, 2012年11月使用C.M. 扬安东尼奥和R. Sudek.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C.M. (2012). Getting Work Life Balance on Steady Ground: the Effects of 9/11 on Careers, 商业领导杂志.
Getting Work Life Balance on Steady Ground: the Effects of 9/11 on Careers. Applied Business and Entrepreneurship Association International, HI, November 2011 with C.M. Giannantonio.
Giannantonio, C.M. & Hurley, A.E. (2011). Frederick Winslow Taylor: Reflections on the Relevance of The Principles of Scientific Management 100 Years Later, 商业与管理杂志, Vol.17, No. 1.
Hurley-Hanson,.E.詹南安东尼奥,C.M., Carlos, H., Harnett, J., Jetta, M. & Mercier, M. (2011). The Effects of the Attacks of 9/11 on Organizational Policies, 员工态度与员工心理状态, 《澳门威尼斯人app下载》. 3: 377-389.
Hurley-Hanson,.E.詹南安东尼奥,C.M. & Dehning, B. (2011). Emerging Issues of Management Education in the 21st Century, Global Business & 经济学文集. 1: 1-7.
Hurley, A.E. (2008). The role of HRIS in crisis response planning in Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM, (Teresa Torres-Coronas & 马里奥·阿里亚斯-奥利瓦,编辑),IGI出版.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. (2008). 缩放方法书评,第2版. 作者:邓恩-兰金., Knezek, G.A., Wallace, S. & Zhang, S. (2004). mawah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,出版商. 组织研究方法.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C.M. (2007). Image Norms: A Model of Formation and Operation, 商业与管理杂志, 13, 2: 155-166.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. (2007). A Response to 9-11: Critical Elements of a Crisis Response Plan, 商业复兴季刊, 2, 1: 47-65.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. (2006). Organizational Responses and Adaptations After 9-11, Management Research News, 29, 8: 480-494.
Giannantonio, C.M. & Hurley, A.E. (2006). Recruiters’ perceptions of appearance: The stigma of image norms, 国际平等机会组织, 25, 6: 450-463.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. (2006). Internal labor markets, in Encyclopedia of Career Development, (Jeffrey Greenhaus & Gerard Callanan,编辑). 千橡市,加州:Sage出版社.
Giannantonio, C.M. & Hurley-Hanson,.E. (2006). Applying image norms across Super’s career development stages, 职业发展季刊, 54, pp. 318-330.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. Wally, S.密苏里州塞格雷斯-珀基斯.L. &. Sonnenfeld, J.A. 2005. The changing role of education on managerial career attainment, Personnel review, 34, pp. 517-533.
Fadil, P., Segrest, S.L.赫利-汉森,A.E., Knudstrup, M. & Stepina, L. 2004. 墨西哥北部和美国的分配正义.S.: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Cross Cultural Management, 11, pp. 1-22.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C.M. (2009). Crisis Response Plans Post 9/11: Current Status and Future Directions, 战略管理学会期刊.
赫尔利,汉森,A.E.詹南安东尼奥,C.M. & Sagaio, M. (2008). Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002: Implications for Complying Corporations, 公司所有权和控制权杂志.
Hurley-Hanson,.E. & Giannantonio, C.M. & Sonnenfeld, J.A. (2007). The determinants of managerial career attainment: Student perceptions and organizational realities, 商业与领导力杂志, 2: 344-354.